Understanding Landscaping Insurance

Every single day, each of us faces a risk as we go about our daily activities. These risks might be small, while some could threaten our very existence. It is the latter that tends to stare in the faces of landscapers every single day. What we are talking about is the inevitability of accidents.

Because of the nature of their work, landscapers have to deal with the possibility of a number of accidents happening to them. These accidents could come either in the form of personal injuries, or could present itself in the form of property damage. Having said that, the probability of lawsuit and damage claims can really give one a headache, especially if you do not have a landscaping insurance in place.

In most cases, an insurance broker would be able to provide you with a comprehensive landscaping insurance that covers majority of the risks associated with your work as a landscaper. These insurance plans typically include general liability insurance as well as worker’s compensation insurance. Keep in mind that this coverage usually differs from one insurance company to another. There are some companies that, aside from the two, also offer landscape vehicle insurance, although this is something that is not common to majority of the insurance companies and typically covers only trailers being used in transporting the employees. Some also provide environmental and pollution insurance especially if they would be using chemicals in treating the landscape.

General liability insurance is a necessity in any type of business. This kind of insurance coverage can help a business owner cover expenses incurred in connection with injuries that his or her employees have suffered while performing their work. In most cases, a general liability insurance is offered as a stand-alone policy. There are some insurance companies, however, who offer it as part of the Business Owner’s Policy although, in the case of the latter, the coverage tends to be quite lower compared to when it is offered as the former. In that case, you might need to purchase a separate coverage. Companies that are considered to be high risks usually have to get also what is known as excess, or umbrella, insurance. The insurance broker usually handles claims so there is not much to worry about.

Worker’s Compensation, on the other hand, is a type of insurance coverage that provides the injured employee with replacement wages as well as medical benefits. In turn, the employer is basically relieved of any tort of negligence. Depending on the state, payment terms can vary from weekly to monthly. There are also worker’s compensation programs that cover even illnesses incurred while on the line of duty. You have to remember, however, that, in Australia, there is an existing threshold of 11% Whole Person Impairment in place.

Now, you have to keep in mind this kind of insurance is not strictly for landscapers alone. It is also something that should be in place for those working as tree trimmers, landscape architects, landscape designers, and lawn irrigation contractors, to name a few.

More details about contractor insurance on this link

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